Terms Of
Subject to the following terms and conditions Breakthrough Applications LLC. ("BTALLC") allows for information and products to be available on this web site. Access to this site comes with the understanding that you agree to these terms and conditions. BTALLC reserves the right to change these terms and conditions, and any other information, product, or price mentioned in this site at any time, at its sole discretion, without notice. BTALLC reserves the right to seek all remedies available by law violating of these terms and conditions. Any rights not expressly granted herein are reserved.
Copyright Notice
© 2020 - 2021 Breakthrough Applications LLC ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
Except as specifically permitted, the information on this web site is protected by copyright. No portion of this web site may be distributed or reproduced by any means, or in any form, without BTALLC’s prior written permission.
Use of Website Information
Pages on this site may be viewed, printed, copied, and distributed subject to the following terms and conditions:
The information may be used solely for informational, personal, non-commercial purposes. All copyrighted material must be properly noted and preserved in it’s original context and format. The information may not be modified in any way; and BTALLC reserves the right to revoke such authorization at any time, and any such use shall be discontinued immediately upon notice from BTALLC.
Logos, graphics, or images on this web site may only be reproduced or distributed with express written permission by BTALLC.
Use of Software
The software and accompanying documentation available to download from this site are the copyrighted work of BTALLC. The end user license agreement, which accompanies all software produced by BTALLC, shall govern the use of the software. No one shall be permitted to use, download, or install any software unless they agree to the terms of the end user license agreement.
Warranties and Disclaimers | Liability Limitations
All information and software on this web site are provided "as is" without warranty or conditions of any kind, either express or implied, including, but not limited to, the implied warranties or conditions of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, or non-infringement. BTALLC assumes no responsibility for errors or omissions in the information or software or other documents which are referenced by or linked to this web site.
In no event shall BTALLC be liable for any special, incidental, indirect or consequential damages of any kind, or any damages whatsoever including without limitation, those resulting from the following:
delays or business interruptions
costs of replacement goods
reliance on the materials presented
loss of use, data or profits
and any theory of liability, arising out of or in connection with the use or performance of information or software obtained from this site
This web site could include any number of potential inaccuracies. Changes are periodically made to the information herein in an attempt to maintain accuracy.
Product Availability
This web site is accessible from countries around the world and may contain references to BTALLC’s information and products.
With the exception of credit card numbers (which are processed by stripe and not retained by BTALLC) for the purchase of products, BTALLC does not want to receive confidential or proprietary information through its web site. Any information sent to BTALLC, with the exception of credit card numbers, will be deemed NOT CONFIDENTIAL.
Any libelous, obscene, defamatory, or pornographic materials are prohibited from be posted or transmitted on this web site. If such communications do occur, BTALLC is exempt from liability related to the content of any such communications.
Site Linking
BTALLC permits anyone to link to this web site subject to the linker's compliance with the following terms and conditions:
A site that links to the Xplorer Software web site:
Pursuant to BTALLC 's reserved rights to rescind its consent, the linking site must agree that the link may be removed at any time upon BTALLC's request.
Must not use BTALLC 's logos without prior written consent.
May not replicate, content.
Must not present misleading or false information about BTALLC’s products.
Must not misrepresent BTALLC's relationship with the linker.
Must not imply that BTALLC is endorsing or sponsoring the linker or the linker's services or products.
Must not contain obscene, libelous, defamatory, pornographic, or inappropriate content.
Must not violate any laws of any kind.
Third-party Web Sites
BTALLC's site provides links to third-party web sites, which are not under the control of BTALLC. BTALLC is not responsible for the reliability of any data, opinions, advice, or statements made on third-party sites.
Compliance with Laws
BTALLC operates under the jurisdiction of the courts of the State of Delaware. These terms will be enforced or construed according to the laws of the State of Delaware.